Today in Romans we dug into the rest of chapter 1. I can't even explain how much I'm learning. We had some discussion groups about whether or not people who have never heard the gospel can go to heaven. We actually had a debate about it, which caused me to think a lot about the topic. Obviously, since I want to go into missions, I've thought a lot about this subject before, but we talked about what others say who might disagree with us and how we are to respond to them. We used the Bible to defend and used verses that we had heard defend both sides...which was a neat approach. It really helps you to think about what the BIBLE says, not just what you THINK it says, but what it really is saying. Basically, it's going to take a LOT more time going through verses and figuring out how to defend the truth of the Bible. It's so crazy to me that people have such different opinions, too! But I'm learning a lot.
I've been working today preparing for a timed essay I have to take tomorrow. I am SO grateful for my teachers and the time that they put into deciding what assignments to give us. All of our assignments are extremely beneficial; there's no busy work at this school. It's really nice to have assignments that cause us to really think about what we are learning and take everything back to the Bible. I am so fortunate to go to a school that does that. Anyways, this essay is basically on the believer and how believers in America make their decisions typically. These decisions are all over the board from what to do with their lives, to who they date and marry. We are also writing about what we think about people and change and how relationships work. It's been interesting to evaluate the "American Christian" worldview on these issues and then try to back them up with the Word...or to see that you can't back it up with the Word and a lot is just influenced by culture. We live in a "Christian nation" with "Christian" ordeals, yet we have little Biblical basis for the way we make a whole I mean. Anyways, it's interesting to be learning and to be seeing for myself.
You know what else is totally crazy to me? We have truth in creation, but we reject it. We HAVE truth. Yet we don't want to believe it and we suppress it or cause it to be suppressed in others. This is what we focused on in Romans today. And in a way it almost baffles my mind. So many times I read those verses about someone else, but really, I have that too. Yes, I have more than that, praise be to God, but I have truth in creation as well. I don't know, but there are definitely a lot of sobering thoughts from that book. But now I must leave you all to go and do some homework. :)
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Monday, January 18, 2010
Today we officially began Romans. As some of you know, I had been studying Romans over Christmas break and was excited to dig in. I have read through the first chapter of Romans five different times with the express purpose of making observations (finding repeated words, lists, phrasing, etc.) and each time I have found MORE things that I missed before. My goodness this book is PACKED with so much amazing truth. Seriously I am just constantly amazed at our God.
So let me start at the beginning. Chapter 1 verse 1. Paul's introduction is filled with truth. He calls himself a bond-servant of Christ. How many times I have read over these words without stopping to think what they really mean. A bond-servant. In the Roman world this was someone who forsook his own rights and lived for his master. What an eloquent truth that completely knocks me back. Forsaking my rights for Christ, the man who bought me? Wow, I know that's truth, but I don't live that. And then Paul goes on to say he is called an apostle and separated unto the gospel of God. He lives for the gospel of God. His focus is on getting the gospel out to the world. As much as that is my heart, do I LIVE for that consistently, day by day, moment by moment? Is everything I do in order to get the gospel out? Challenging thought.
Paul then goes on to describe who Christ is, both to the Jews as their King and to the Gentiles as the Son of God. It is through Christ that we have been given the ability to preach to ALL nations for Christ's name sake. It's all about HIM!
And then Paul talks about how the believers at Rome are called saints and beloved of God. He talks about how he longs to come to them and give them a spiritual present of discipleship and fellowship with them. And then in verse 14 he says this: "I am debtor both to Greeks and to Barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish." Debtor. Debtor of what? Well, he goes on to explain that because of his debt, he is ready to preach the Gospel. It is his call to go and preach. He considers himself a debtor to those who have not heard! If only this was the heart cry of more Christians, even of myself. I am a debtor to those who have not heard. That's a complete worldview change for so many of us, including myself. I've never thought of myself as a debtor to the unreached. Sure, I want to go, I'm passionate to go, but a debtor to them to go? That's revolutionary in my mind. It's so crazy to think about the focus of Paul and to compare it with my own focus. So many times I fall short of focusing on God in all things. I can't live this life on my own. I can't even think about things rightly on my own. I need Him. I need Him more than breath. I need Him more than food. I need Him if I want to live. I cannot think or act or do right without Him.
Lord, remind me of these truths every day, every moment. Show me the wrong-thinking that I cling to. Reveal to me the depths of my heart and remind me that the only answer is found in you. Thank you for your incredible grace that You have shown toward me, that I am called a child of yours, that you pursue me with unending love though I do not deserve it. You alone are worthy of praise.
So let me start at the beginning. Chapter 1 verse 1. Paul's introduction is filled with truth. He calls himself a bond-servant of Christ. How many times I have read over these words without stopping to think what they really mean. A bond-servant. In the Roman world this was someone who forsook his own rights and lived for his master. What an eloquent truth that completely knocks me back. Forsaking my rights for Christ, the man who bought me? Wow, I know that's truth, but I don't live that. And then Paul goes on to say he is called an apostle and separated unto the gospel of God. He lives for the gospel of God. His focus is on getting the gospel out to the world. As much as that is my heart, do I LIVE for that consistently, day by day, moment by moment? Is everything I do in order to get the gospel out? Challenging thought.
Paul then goes on to describe who Christ is, both to the Jews as their King and to the Gentiles as the Son of God. It is through Christ that we have been given the ability to preach to ALL nations for Christ's name sake. It's all about HIM!
And then Paul talks about how the believers at Rome are called saints and beloved of God. He talks about how he longs to come to them and give them a spiritual present of discipleship and fellowship with them. And then in verse 14 he says this: "I am debtor both to Greeks and to Barbarians, both to the wise and to the foolish." Debtor. Debtor of what? Well, he goes on to explain that because of his debt, he is ready to preach the Gospel. It is his call to go and preach. He considers himself a debtor to those who have not heard! If only this was the heart cry of more Christians, even of myself. I am a debtor to those who have not heard. That's a complete worldview change for so many of us, including myself. I've never thought of myself as a debtor to the unreached. Sure, I want to go, I'm passionate to go, but a debtor to them to go? That's revolutionary in my mind. It's so crazy to think about the focus of Paul and to compare it with my own focus. So many times I fall short of focusing on God in all things. I can't live this life on my own. I can't even think about things rightly on my own. I need Him. I need Him more than breath. I need Him more than food. I need Him if I want to live. I cannot think or act or do right without Him.
Lord, remind me of these truths every day, every moment. Show me the wrong-thinking that I cling to. Reveal to me the depths of my heart and remind me that the only answer is found in you. Thank you for your incredible grace that You have shown toward me, that I am called a child of yours, that you pursue me with unending love though I do not deserve it. You alone are worthy of praise.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
1st Day of Class!
So I'm attempting to get better at writing on here and keeping everyone informed of what is going on. We will see how long this trend lasts before I am so bogged down with homework that I barely have time to eat. I can almost feel those days coming...but until then, I will update you as often as I can. :)
Today was the FIRST day of classes! For those of you who don't know, here at NTBI we take ALL of our morning classes (8-12 o'clock) with the same people, whatever class you entered the school with. So for me, I take all my morning classes with the newly acclaimed junior class. We started with a little over 20 and are now down to 13, which is sad, but we really like our little class. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of teachers, we have had to do a little rearranging of schedules. Our 8:00 class every block this semester is with the Senior class. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't like going from a class of 20-13 to a class of around 60-70. It's just a whole different dynamic. BUT I know that I will get used to it and I am so thankful that I am able to be here under the instruction of God's Word, so I know that it will become the new normal...even though I still think it's sad. :( However we were able to start Daniel/Revelation with the seniors today and man am I excited to get more into that's the only one I haven't started homework for so far! After Dan/Rev, we started Romans. I had been marking up a copy over break...although I haven't gotten past the 10th chapter...and I went back to look at my copy again today and to make some outline divisions. However, I just got so caught up in making more markings and writing more questions and circling key words and listing what man is and who God is and sooooo much more, that I didn't even get to my outline...which is the actual assignment that I need to get cracking on. But I just get so excited with what I read!
The last class was Family Relationships. I'm really looking forward to this class. We have to write an essay (due on Wednesday) where we have to interview and get a feel for how Christians view dating and how they choose who they date, etc. It's going to be a really interesting paper. It's already made me think a lot about my own values in dating and my own mistakes as well. It's been really neat to see God continue to just grow me in areas, even though the process is sometimes incredibly painful. I'm looking forward to really digging into the Word and what HE has to say about dating and marriage relationships, because HIS truth is MY truth...I just need to find out what that is. Honestly, with some situations that have happened recently, I feel like my heart is so ready to hear these truths. I've seen how I can royally screw things up with my ideas and my thoughts toward dating, especially lately, and I am looking forward to learning. :)
I also just finished a pamphlet for that class on child-rearing. It was definitely a perspective I haven't really thought about or heard before and I'm going to do a lot more chewing on these new thoughts and ideas. It's funny to look at things in light of what culture says and in light of what you grew up with and compare it to what the Bible says...and sometimes I think it has astonishing results. Well at least it did for me. Definitely some good thoughts.
I also got to go to coffee with a good friend today. It is really neat to be able to relate stories of similar situations and frustrations and be able to both bring it back to God and the truth He has revealed to us. I was so encouraged today.
Tonight was also the first night back at youth group! I've missed those kids...they are so great! We sang and talked about Moses and had a snowball fight (out of paper snowballs because the real ones outside were more ice-balls) and just enjoyed the fellowship. Then we came home and spent an hour working out as part of my new work-out regiment...gotta get in shape for this wedding. :)
Oh, and just so you all know, Kayla and I decided to do a sugar fast UNTIL the wedding! That means more than 6 months with no sugar...what a challenge. I'm up for it though. We will have wedding cake to celebrate our victory. I can't wait for that day to come! Oh the anticipation!
Today was the FIRST day of classes! For those of you who don't know, here at NTBI we take ALL of our morning classes (8-12 o'clock) with the same people, whatever class you entered the school with. So for me, I take all my morning classes with the newly acclaimed junior class. We started with a little over 20 and are now down to 13, which is sad, but we really like our little class. Unfortunately, due to a shortage of teachers, we have had to do a little rearranging of schedules. Our 8:00 class every block this semester is with the Senior class. I don't know about you, but I certainly don't like going from a class of 20-13 to a class of around 60-70. It's just a whole different dynamic. BUT I know that I will get used to it and I am so thankful that I am able to be here under the instruction of God's Word, so I know that it will become the new normal...even though I still think it's sad. :( However we were able to start Daniel/Revelation with the seniors today and man am I excited to get more into that's the only one I haven't started homework for so far! After Dan/Rev, we started Romans. I had been marking up a copy over break...although I haven't gotten past the 10th chapter...and I went back to look at my copy again today and to make some outline divisions. However, I just got so caught up in making more markings and writing more questions and circling key words and listing what man is and who God is and sooooo much more, that I didn't even get to my outline...which is the actual assignment that I need to get cracking on. But I just get so excited with what I read!
The last class was Family Relationships. I'm really looking forward to this class. We have to write an essay (due on Wednesday) where we have to interview and get a feel for how Christians view dating and how they choose who they date, etc. It's going to be a really interesting paper. It's already made me think a lot about my own values in dating and my own mistakes as well. It's been really neat to see God continue to just grow me in areas, even though the process is sometimes incredibly painful. I'm looking forward to really digging into the Word and what HE has to say about dating and marriage relationships, because HIS truth is MY truth...I just need to find out what that is. Honestly, with some situations that have happened recently, I feel like my heart is so ready to hear these truths. I've seen how I can royally screw things up with my ideas and my thoughts toward dating, especially lately, and I am looking forward to learning. :)
I also just finished a pamphlet for that class on child-rearing. It was definitely a perspective I haven't really thought about or heard before and I'm going to do a lot more chewing on these new thoughts and ideas. It's funny to look at things in light of what culture says and in light of what you grew up with and compare it to what the Bible says...and sometimes I think it has astonishing results. Well at least it did for me. Definitely some good thoughts.
I also got to go to coffee with a good friend today. It is really neat to be able to relate stories of similar situations and frustrations and be able to both bring it back to God and the truth He has revealed to us. I was so encouraged today.
Tonight was also the first night back at youth group! I've missed those kids...they are so great! We sang and talked about Moses and had a snowball fight (out of paper snowballs because the real ones outside were more ice-balls) and just enjoyed the fellowship. Then we came home and spent an hour working out as part of my new work-out regiment...gotta get in shape for this wedding. :)
Oh, and just so you all know, Kayla and I decided to do a sugar fast UNTIL the wedding! That means more than 6 months with no sugar...what a challenge. I'm up for it though. We will have wedding cake to celebrate our victory. I can't wait for that day to come! Oh the anticipation!
Can't Sleep
Tomorrow is the first day of classes...actually today is...and I can't sleep. I'm not nervous or anything like that, I just can't seem to get my eyes to close. So instead of lying in my bed right now for how knows how long, I decided to write. :)
Some things God has been teaching me:
- He is in control. I'm actually becoming less of a "set" planner, believe it or not.
- He is bigger than my circumstances. When things look a mess and I've royally screwed things up, He still loves me and He is MORE than enough to take care of things. All I gotta do is let Him. :)
- He has given me all that I need in Him. I think I'm going to be learning this one for the rest of my life. I'm complete. There's nothing that I lack.
- I'm going to make mistakes. But it's been so nice to see people rallying around me even when I do. And it's nice to know that my mistakes don't affect my Father's love for me. He accepts me all the same.
- I can get so caught up in things and so focused on what's going on around me that I miss the point of my existence. It's not for anything but Him. He desires to produce Himself in me and that's why I'm here...yet sometimes I get caught up in things of the earth. Wow, to live with an eternal mindset 24/7. What an amazing thing that would be. Oh how I long for that.
- I'm just like everyone else. There's nothing that makes me special. There's no special badge for me just because I'm going to be a missionary...I'm just like everyone else. And that means the ONLY way that I can be a missionary is through dependence upon Him. It's through faith in Him and trust in Him. He said to go and I will go as I depend on Him in me. I can't do it without Him.
My life today looks very different than I thought it would. I used to dream about being an overseas missionary, but I guess some part of me never believed I would be here...doing it, training for it. There have been so many times I have been scared and I'm sure I'll be scared more. There have been so many times when I've thought about all I'm giving up and not wanted to do it, so many times I've been selfish in my thinking. But what is a job and a nice house and a family raised by their grandparents? They are great things, but compared to tribal people's eternity, they aren't important. They would be so nice, but they aren't eternal. Having brothers and sisters in Christ when I get to heaven who are from remote villages...that's eternal. Having brothers and sisters in Christ who are from Jackson, Michigan or Columbus, Ohio...that's eternal. Whatever the cost. Man...I want that to be my heart ALL the time. It's all about Him, not me and my wants and needs. It's about HIM.
I've struggled a lot with this whole process. It's really real to me...I'm going overseas. I might go overseas alone, which scares me to death, but guess what? I'll go. I was supposed to speak at my church over break, but due to the weather it was canceled. I am so glad for the time I had to prepare for that presentation; I can't tell you how valuable it was for me. I learned so much about myself in the process. I learned how desperately I need encouragement, to know that this isn't MY thing, but the church's thing, believer's thing. Yes, I may be the one to go, but I so desperately need a TEAM of people who want to see tribes reached just as badly as I do. I need them to encourage me in the hard times, when I am discouraged and feeling alone. I need to know that I'm part of a team, because I'm not a one-woman show, I'm just one part of the body. I need the other parts. :) I need YOU.
And now for some photos from the past few months:

These are my three best friends and I at our Christmas party, Jamie, Bethany, and Kayla. We have a lot of fun together. :) Bethany (the other short one) is getting married this summer. I'm so excited for her and the rest of us are her bridesmaids, along with her sister. I can't wait to make my trip out west to see her get married!

This is me making Christmas cookies over break! YUM!

These pictures are from a trip I took with my parents in October to Wayumi. It's basically a crash course on tribal missions and it was an AMAZING experience. My parents really learned a lot about what I am going to be doing and it was neat to be there. These pictures are from the time we got to spend in the "tribe." That's right, we got to talk to some tribal folks and ask them questions....well okay, we kind of HAD to, but it was a really neat experience and I HIGHLY recommend WAYUMI. :)
Well, that's all the updating I am going to do for now. I'm gonna try out this bed one more time...
Some things God has been teaching me:
- He is in control. I'm actually becoming less of a "set" planner, believe it or not.
- He is bigger than my circumstances. When things look a mess and I've royally screwed things up, He still loves me and He is MORE than enough to take care of things. All I gotta do is let Him. :)
- He has given me all that I need in Him. I think I'm going to be learning this one for the rest of my life. I'm complete. There's nothing that I lack.
- I'm going to make mistakes. But it's been so nice to see people rallying around me even when I do. And it's nice to know that my mistakes don't affect my Father's love for me. He accepts me all the same.
- I can get so caught up in things and so focused on what's going on around me that I miss the point of my existence. It's not for anything but Him. He desires to produce Himself in me and that's why I'm here...yet sometimes I get caught up in things of the earth. Wow, to live with an eternal mindset 24/7. What an amazing thing that would be. Oh how I long for that.
- I'm just like everyone else. There's nothing that makes me special. There's no special badge for me just because I'm going to be a missionary...I'm just like everyone else. And that means the ONLY way that I can be a missionary is through dependence upon Him. It's through faith in Him and trust in Him. He said to go and I will go as I depend on Him in me. I can't do it without Him.
My life today looks very different than I thought it would. I used to dream about being an overseas missionary, but I guess some part of me never believed I would be here...doing it, training for it. There have been so many times I have been scared and I'm sure I'll be scared more. There have been so many times when I've thought about all I'm giving up and not wanted to do it, so many times I've been selfish in my thinking. But what is a job and a nice house and a family raised by their grandparents? They are great things, but compared to tribal people's eternity, they aren't important. They would be so nice, but they aren't eternal. Having brothers and sisters in Christ when I get to heaven who are from remote villages...that's eternal. Having brothers and sisters in Christ who are from Jackson, Michigan or Columbus, Ohio...that's eternal. Whatever the cost. Man...I want that to be my heart ALL the time. It's all about Him, not me and my wants and needs. It's about HIM.
I've struggled a lot with this whole process. It's really real to me...I'm going overseas. I might go overseas alone, which scares me to death, but guess what? I'll go. I was supposed to speak at my church over break, but due to the weather it was canceled. I am so glad for the time I had to prepare for that presentation; I can't tell you how valuable it was for me. I learned so much about myself in the process. I learned how desperately I need encouragement, to know that this isn't MY thing, but the church's thing, believer's thing. Yes, I may be the one to go, but I so desperately need a TEAM of people who want to see tribes reached just as badly as I do. I need them to encourage me in the hard times, when I am discouraged and feeling alone. I need to know that I'm part of a team, because I'm not a one-woman show, I'm just one part of the body. I need the other parts. :) I need YOU.
And now for some photos from the past few months:
These are my three best friends and I at our Christmas party, Jamie, Bethany, and Kayla. We have a lot of fun together. :) Bethany (the other short one) is getting married this summer. I'm so excited for her and the rest of us are her bridesmaids, along with her sister. I can't wait to make my trip out west to see her get married!
This is me making Christmas cookies over break! YUM!
These pictures are from a trip I took with my parents in October to Wayumi. It's basically a crash course on tribal missions and it was an AMAZING experience. My parents really learned a lot about what I am going to be doing and it was neat to be there. These pictures are from the time we got to spend in the "tribe." That's right, we got to talk to some tribal folks and ask them questions....well okay, we kind of HAD to, but it was a really neat experience and I HIGHLY recommend WAYUMI. :)
Well, that's all the updating I am going to do for now. I'm gonna try out this bed one more time...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I'm officially back at school! Tomorrow starts classes and I'm really excited. My class of 15 is now down to a measly 12 due to people not being able to come back, BUT I'm excited nonetheless. I got back on Sunday night and was greeted by a room that was probably heated to about 90 joke. Oh the joys of having a radiator. :) But I'm thankful to have heat in this snowy state!
For those of you who don't know, one of my best friends at school got engaged over break and is taking the semester off to save money for her wedding on June 26th! She was able to come back Sunday and is staying till Saturday to say her final goodbyes and pack up her room. She will definitely be missed, but we have been enjoying her while she's here. We have to go bridesmaid dress shopping and I'm excited! We've been doing lots of wedding planning and it's been so exciting to be able to do it in person!
Bethany and I at our Christmas party
I'm soooo excited to start classes tomorrow. It's going to be a great semester. Tomorrow we start Daniel/Revelation, Romans, and Family Relationships...and I'll be updating you so soon!
For those of you who don't know, one of my best friends at school got engaged over break and is taking the semester off to save money for her wedding on June 26th! She was able to come back Sunday and is staying till Saturday to say her final goodbyes and pack up her room. She will definitely be missed, but we have been enjoying her while she's here. We have to go bridesmaid dress shopping and I'm excited! We've been doing lots of wedding planning and it's been so exciting to be able to do it in person!
Bethany and I at our Christmas party
I'm soooo excited to start classes tomorrow. It's going to be a great semester. Tomorrow we start Daniel/Revelation, Romans, and Family Relationships...and I'll be updating you so soon!
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